Chimera Released jailbreak iOS 12 - 12.2 & 12.4 (2 Viewers)


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In case you missed it, the CoolStar-led Electra Team has made good on its promise to release an iOS 12 - 12.2 & 12.4 jailbreak with full support for A12(X) devices, but unexpectedly changed the name of the project from Electra12 to Chimera just in time for the release.

It’s worth noting that the Chimera jailbreak does not support Cydia or Cydia Substrate, and that it instead uses Sileo and Substitute for package management and tweak injection. That aside, it is the first public jailbreak tool to officially support A12(X) devices in full.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to jailbreak your iOS 12 - 12.2 & 12.4 device with the new Chimera jailbreak tool.

Your device, your way.
All devices, iOS 12 — 12.2 and 12.4


Note: Only Nonce setter available on 12.1.2 - 12.3 and 12.4 on A12
Note: 12.1.3 - 12.3 and 12.4 only supported on A7 - A11 devices. All devices supported on 12.0 - 12.1.2
Note: Some 12.3 betas are compatible with Chimera. (Beta 6 is not compatible)