2 - Unlock Bootloader
3 - Root (Eftpro)
4 - Patch Cert (Chimera)
5 - Remove Warning Logo (Eftpro)
Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 25.46.0928 @ 2020-07-21
Repair started
Gathering phone info...
Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Model: SM-A515F
Sales Code: MID
Country Code: Iraq
Timezone: Europe/Istanbul
Android Version: 10 [QP1A.190711.020] [SDK 29]
Build Date: Mon Jun 8 23:03:54 KST 2020
PDA Version: A515FXXU3BTF4 [june 2020, rev4]
Phone Version: A515FXXU3BTE7 [may 2020, rev7]
CSC Version: A515FOJM3BTF6 [june 2020, rev6]
Product Code: MID
Board Platform: UNIVERSAL9611
Modem Platform: SHANNON337
Serial Number: RZ8N11ZHDMN
Imei: xx
Unique Number: CE12193C444759993F7E
Connections: AT,MTP
Network Type: GSM
Multisim Config: DSDS
Knox Version: v30
Warranty Bit: 0
Security Patch: 2020-06-01
Repair imei...
The operation is in progress. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Appropriate serial port is not available.
1. On the dial window, enter *#0808# 2. Select DM+ACM+ADB or DM+MODEM+ADB 3. Click the Ok on phone display 4. Wait a few seconds until the diag port is initialized 5. Click Ok button
Trying on port SAMSUNG Mobile USB Serial Port (COM1482)
Diag mode available on port SAMSUNG Mobile USB Serial Port (COM1482)
Processing. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Current imei: xx
Repaired imei:xx
Current imei2: xx
Repaired imei2: xx
Successfully finished.
Finished at local time: [07.21.20 21:40:15]
WorkID: 101452124
Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 25.46.0928 @ 2020-07-21
Printing phone history
Patch Certificate
Repair IMEI
Patch certificate started
Gathering phone info...
Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Model: SM-A515F
Sales Code: SER
Country Code: Russia
Timezone: Europe/Istanbul
Android Version: 10 [QP1A.190711.020] [SDK 29]
Build Date: Tue Apr 21 23:03:39 KST 2020
PDA Version: A515FXXU3BTD4 [april 2020, rev4]
Phone Version: A515FXXU3ATC2 [march 2020, rev2]
CSC Version: A515FOXM3BTD4 [april 2020, rev4]
Product Code: SER
Board Platform: UNIVERSAL9611
Modem Platform: SHANNON337
Serial Number: RZ8N11ZHDMN
Imei: xx
Unique Number: CE12193C444759993F7E
Connections: AT,MTP
Network Type: GSM
Multisim Config: DSDS
Knox Version: v30
Warranty Bit: 1
Security Patch: 2020-04-01
Checking root access.
The phone is rooted by: 3.19:EFTSU
Reading data...
The operation is in progress. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Patching certificate...
Checking root access.
About 30-90 seconds after the phone starts, the signal strength indicator turns OFF and then turns ON again after a few seconds.
You can check the status of the imei using: *#0011#
The patchcert can be removed by repeating the process.
If a new firmware is used, the patchcert process must be repeated.
Successfully finished.
Finished at local time: [07.21.20 22:53:45]
WorkID: 101460769[/HIDETHANKS]